Saturday, November 7, 2009

Archives and more

I wanted to address my archives. For over 7 + years I have brought Journeys with Rebecca to the audience, I have brought some of the greatest minds and information to everyone. These people are generous with sharing their knowledge and information with those of you who are seeking. During these 7+ years, I have brought everything at no charge, yet I have many costs associated with the production of the show week after week. All of this has been a true labor of love, the work that I do. I had to make a decision a few weeks ago to charge $1 – yep $1 for the archives so that those who are expending their energy and time and resources could hope to at least off set the costs of keeping and maintain the archives. It has come to my attention that now there are a few who pay that $1 and then post it everywhere, which then takes from those who have provided it. I am asking for you to please honor the process of the archives and spend the $1 to help KROCKS with the maintaining of them Also I know that times are very tough for people and it is no less so for me here at Journeys with Rebecca as a totally self-funded entity for the show. I started asking for donations a bit over a year ago when it obvious to me that my personal funds were not covering the costs of maintaining the show, equipment, etc. So please donations are more than needed right now. So log onto the site: to make a donation, thank you!

Readings are still being offered for $50 off the regular price so check out use the book it now feature to schedule yours or give a gift certificate to someone for a gift!

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