Wednesday, December 16, 2009

New Things Coming

Hi everyone!
It has been a long time since I posted here. Life is moving in very rapid ways right now and I really work on being fluid with the changes.
Several things to talk about today. The first one is a special 3 hour live show with Stewart Swerdlow on Saturday the 19th from 7-10 Pm Central time. This show is for raising much needed funds to continue with the radio show - Journeys with Rebecca. For over 7 years I have brought some of the greatest minds and information to the public. This is part of my mission. To help raise awareness and consciousness, to bring tools and information, to present uncovered truths, to share the messages from those who too have a mission at this time on Earth. I have said it before - this has been almost totally self-funded for all these years. It has become a financial obligation that without support from those who are supported through the Show just simply cannot continue.
As I write here, some of the things going on behind the scenes is a complete overhaul of my website: - it will now have all the components in the website that has been my vision for a very long time. There will be many resources (all free) of videos, articles, etc to be posted. there will be messages from the Elohim with a Q & A section to write questions. Booking a reading will become easier. Accessing archives and new shows will be simple. There will be a new look and feel to the website based on the vision it. I am tossing the idea around of a forum as well. There will be pictures and events as well as Classes and Workshop schedules. So you can see, quite a transformation! All of this will hopefully happen before January 1, 2010!
So please help keep my mission and others going - donate today! Or become a sponsor of the show either with a product or service or just a financial sponsor. Whatever I can do to keep the mission going I am going to focus on. Will you help with this?
Spreading the word, getting other stations to carry the show, talking to your like-minded friends, it all helps!
I have met some incredible people during all of this journey, and have made some new friends along the way too. I know many of you who have too! Let us keep the circle going!
I want to take this time too, to say thank you for those who have supported and are supporting me, Blessings to you.

I am wishing all of you a most Blessed and Peaceful holiday season and a wondrous New Year!
Rebecca Jernigan