Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Hi Everyone! I am just now back from the Awake and Aware Conference in LA presented by Project Camelot! What an awesome time it was. More about that in a few days.
In the meantime a new bit of information is that I am back on air!!!
Welcome to my new flagship station KROCKS! Thanks again Mark and everyone! Please check them out. Be sure when visiting their site or mine that you click on the archives and listen to the latest new show that has Stewart Swerdlow and Nancy Ogren!
I am in the process of trying to get my website updated again. I had some problems before I left for LA and the updates did not take, I am working with some great people and should have everything updated before the new show on Saturday Sept 26th!
If you are interested in being on my newsletter list please write to:
I thank you for your support during this transition of Journeys with Rebecca and so much more great stuff coming!
If you can help with all the costs associated in the new direction please use the donation button found on my website in the archive section or if you have a paypal account you can send any donations to:
I am looking forward to being back on air live in just a few weeks!
Thank you again and Blessings to everyone of you!
In honor,