Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Feb. 2nd 2010

I have a great guest tonight on the show - Justice Bartlett be sure to tune in to listen to the live show www.journeyswithrebecca.com We will be doing some "sessions" right online on air! How fabulous. Be sure to bring your own questions as well. We will be getting into some more conversation on Strings of Energy and Quantum Healing information. Will be a great show! 8-10 PM Central Time

Donations are needed now more than ever please use the donation buttons found on my website, or if you would like to help support the show I have great rates on advertising and many options! Please contact me via any of the e-mail addresses found throughout the site!

Also am doing a bit of a survery, am trying to put together some video classes and would like to know what others may be interested in learning about so e-mail me with your suggestions!

Elohim transcripts will be upcoming very soon - so keep checking and be sure to check out all the updates found on my website!
Keep listening and be sure to sign up for your readings!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Hi there everyone. Tonight will be Kerry Cassidy of Project Camelot joining me on the show at 8 PM Central time.
I am putting together material now to post here from the channeling of the Elohim. It will also be available on the website as well. Soon there will be questions that are answered and it will all be posted in audio form.
There will be weekly posts here too from the Elohim starting in Feb 2010.
Also am looking to expand my radio show to other stations who wish to air it - please contact me at mailbag@journeyswithrebecca.com and looking for advertisers - banner advertisers or the full package - check out the advertising page on the site for more information.
I am also scheduling for Reiki in the Quantum classes (traditional Reiki with a great expansion to it) in the Kansas City area or Columbia Missouri area. If you are not in the area listed please contact me anyway to see if we can work something out for you!
My Reading Special price ends this month of January so contact me now to schedule your appointment.
Much more information coming!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

New Things Coming

Hi everyone!
It has been a long time since I posted here. Life is moving in very rapid ways right now and I really work on being fluid with the changes.
Several things to talk about today. The first one is a special 3 hour live show with Stewart Swerdlow on Saturday the 19th from 7-10 Pm Central time. This show is for raising much needed funds to continue with the radio show - Journeys with Rebecca. For over 7 years I have brought some of the greatest minds and information to the public. This is part of my mission. To help raise awareness and consciousness, to bring tools and information, to present uncovered truths, to share the messages from those who too have a mission at this time on Earth. I have said it before - this has been almost totally self-funded for all these years. It has become a financial obligation that without support from those who are supported through the Show just simply cannot continue.
As I write here, some of the things going on behind the scenes is a complete overhaul of my website: http://www.journeyswithrebecca.com/ - it will now have all the components in the website that has been my vision for a very long time. There will be many resources (all free) of videos, articles, etc to be posted. there will be messages from the Elohim with a Q & A section to write questions. Booking a reading will become easier. Accessing archives and new shows will be simple. There will be a new look and feel to the website based on the vision it. I am tossing the idea around of a forum as well. There will be pictures and events as well as Classes and Workshop schedules. So you can see, quite a transformation! All of this will hopefully happen before January 1, 2010!
So please help keep my mission and others going - donate today! Or become a sponsor of the show either with a product or service or just a financial sponsor. Whatever I can do to keep the mission going I am going to focus on. Will you help with this?
Spreading the word, getting other stations to carry the show, talking to your like-minded friends, it all helps!
I have met some incredible people during all of this journey, and have made some new friends along the way too. I know many of you who have too! Let us keep the circle going!
I want to take this time too, to say thank you for those who have supported and are supporting me, Blessings to you.

I am wishing all of you a most Blessed and Peaceful holiday season and a wondrous New Year!
Rebecca Jernigan

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Archives and more

I wanted to address my archives. For over 7 + years I have brought Journeys with Rebecca to the audience, I have brought some of the greatest minds and information to everyone. These people are generous with sharing their knowledge and information with those of you who are seeking. During these 7+ years, I have brought everything at no charge, yet I have many costs associated with the production of the show week after week. All of this has been a true labor of love, the work that I do. I had to make a decision a few weeks ago to charge $1 – yep $1 for the archives so that those who are expending their energy and time and resources could hope to at least off set the costs of keeping and maintain the archives. It has come to my attention that now there are a few who pay that $1 and then post it everywhere, which then takes from those who have provided it. I am asking for you to please honor the process of the archives and spend the $1 to help KROCKS with the maintaining of them http://store.krocksradioone.com. Also I know that times are very tough for people and it is no less so for me here at Journeys with Rebecca as a totally self-funded entity for the show. I started asking for donations a bit over a year ago when it obvious to me that my personal funds were not covering the costs of maintaining the show, equipment, etc. So please donations are more than needed right now. So log onto the site: www.journeyswithrebecca.com to make a donation, thank you!

Readings are still being offered for $50 off the regular price so check out
http://www.journeyswithrebecca.com/reading.html use the book it now feature to schedule yours or give a gift certificate to someone for a gift!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Hi Everyone! I am just now back from the Awake and Aware Conference in LA presented by Project Camelot! What an awesome time it was. More about that in a few days.
In the meantime a new bit of information is that I am back on air!!!
Welcome to my new flagship station KROCKS! www.krocksradioone.com Thanks again Mark and everyone! Please check them out. Be sure when visiting their site or mine that you click on the archives and listen to the latest new show that has Stewart Swerdlow and Nancy Ogren!
I am in the process of trying to get my website updated again. I had some problems before I left for LA and the updates did not take, I am working with some great people and should have everything updated before the new show on Saturday Sept 26th!
If you are interested in being on my newsletter list please write to: newsletter@journeyswithrebecca.com
I thank you for your support during this transition of Journeys with Rebecca and so much more great stuff coming!
If you can help with all the costs associated in the new direction please use the donation button found on my website in the archive section or if you have a paypal account you can send any donations to: journeyswithrebecca@yahoo.com
I am looking forward to being back on air live in just a few weeks!
Thank you again and Blessings to everyone of you!
In honor,

Friday, August 28, 2009


Hi Guys!
Well things have gotten busy here for Journeys with Rebecca and myself personally these past few days since the announcement of parting ways with kconline radio.
These changes are in fact really good! I have had many people in the radio industry support me and I am currently reviewing several options for return to the airwaves very soon. New postings will happen to my website in a few days as well as here on updates to the progress.
As most of you know I am here in the Kansas City area and am looking for a new "home" for the studio. This should happen very soon. I look forward to any suggestions you may have if you will write to me at: journeyswithrebecca@yahoo.com
Also wanted to remind everyone that I will be attending the Awake and Aware conference in Los Angeles in September - here is the link for that to get your tickets now! http://projectcamelot.org/awakeandaware - be sure to check that out. You will have to copy this and paste it into your browser.
I apologize for not getting the webiste as up to date as it can be, I am looking for some assistance to help with this as well.
I wish you all Blessings and I have some GREAT guests that will be back on very soon!

Saturday, August 22, 2009


Hi Everyone! Well it certainly has been busy around here! I have been putting together a lot of new information to move Journeys with Rebecca into expansion. I have a lot of changes coming up over the next few weeks and as I can will post here what some of them are.
I would like to share an e-mail here with an audience member and a friend who sent this to me a few weeks ago:

Hope this not finds you doing ok. Know you are busy so will keep this short. I would like to present an offer to you and the other listeners. If you can find someone to pay the other half I will pay $125 monthly cost of upgrading the bandwidth. When you have wonderful guests like Cliff High, Kerry Cassidy, etc. the listeners need to be able to hear the show live. I believe your show is a very important element in helping people to continue to awaken and stay current on what is happening in these amazing times.

Love and blessings,

So anyone out there wanting to commit to this please let me know right away! And I must say how generous and beautiful this is!!!!

I am also starting my Quantum Reiki (Usui) classes soon and am still looking for a location in the Kansas City area that could accomodate the needs of the facility for classes and more. Please contact me at: journeyswithrebecca@yahoo.com

Keep listening and thanks for your support!!!